Sunday, January 27, 2013

Ephemera Cardigan

Na ott kezdodott, hogy meglattam a divatkorte blogon ezt a felsot. Es hogy a sargaval milyen meno es hogy milyen egyszeru a leiras (ket teglalap, osszevarrom, kesz). Ok. Megrendeltem a fonalat az ebayrol, merthogy pont a 3 kedvenc szinem van benne. Utana vartam a nyaralasig es elvittem a hegyekbe. Kiszamoltam, nekem hany szemet kell felszednem, hogy jo legyen. Kesz ugy neztem ki benne, mint aki magara huzott egy krupliszsakot (nem is csinaltam rola kepet). Ugyhogy amikor a felujitas miatt mashol kellett laknunk 4 napig a frusztraltsagbol adodo energiaimat felhasznaltam arra, hogy lebontsam... Es megtalaltam az ephemera kardigan leirasat es olyan konnyu es ertheto volt...szoval 5 het alatt kesz lett, nagyon szeretem a szineit. Igaz, ez az elso olyan darabom, amirol messziros sikit, hogy handmade, ugyhogy vigyazva hordom az irodaban...viszont jo meleg, igazi feelgood-darab.

This all began when I saw this top in a hungarian knitting blog. And I was amazed how cool it was with a yellow shirt and how simple the patter is (make 2 squares, sew them together, ready). So I ordered the yarn from Ebay. I waited till our holidays and brought it with me to the Alps. I calculated how big it should be to fit me. It was ready...and I looked like if I was wearing a potato-sack. (so no pictores from this stage). So when we had to sleep somewhere else bc of the renovation in the house I used the energy won from frustration to taki this out...Ant then I found the pattern of the Ephemera cardigan and it was so well understandable and easy. It was ready within 5 weeks. I love its colors. However it is far too obvious that it is handmade, so I have to be careful what to wear with it in the office. But it's nice and warm, a real feelgood-piece. 

Saturday, January 26, 2013

An other Saturday

Nirvana: Smells Like Teen Spirit. (now reading: the biography of Dave Grohl)

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Nice but heavy

Ez itt egyike az elso nyaklancoknak, amit csinaltam. Es persze az elso hibak is benne vannak, peldaul eleg rovid lett es ami meg rosszabb, jo nehez. Egy estere el tudnam kepzelni, de egy napig az irodaban hordani keptelenseg. Ugyhogy le fogom bontani, ugyhogy itt legalabb megmarad, milyen is volt.

This is one of the first necklaces I've made. And of course it has some begginners mistakes on it: it is too short and what is worse, it is very heavy. Wearing it to go out would be still ok but to have it on the whole day in the office is impossible. So I will make something else of if, but I put it here to keep the evidence I had this once.

Book update: Die Herrlichkeit des Lebens finished on 18.01.2013. I am sorry to say that but I was really looking forward to that part when he died. The book is NOT GOOD. 

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Knit-like Circle scarf

Jo ez a facebookos kotos-horgolos csoport, olyanokat linkelnek be, hogy na. Szoval ott talaltam ezt a linket egy horgolt salrol es meg kellet csinalnom. Ketszer. Ami a kepen van, karacsony ajandek volt, ami az enyem, az sarga. Majd lefotozom azt is. Plusz ilyen cuki ravarrhato biszbaszokat vettem a Karstadtban. A kotes az uj joga, ugye.

There is a very nice Hungarian facebook group about knitting and crocheting. They always link very nice stuff, like this video about a crocheted scarf. So I had to make it. Twice. The one in the picture was a christmas present, mine is yellow. I will upload some pics soon. plus I bought these very cute handmade-labels in the Karstadt. Knitting is the new yoga as they say.

*elnezest az ekezetek hianyaert, az uj gepem meg nem tud magyarul (" nem is tanul")