Monday, December 26, 2011

Reading list 2012

The Hungarian blogger Lobo announced a "game" and because I don't only make jewellery but also read a lot in my free time, herewith I publish the list of books I am planning to read in 2012 (and some others non-listed). These I already have at home (and of course additional books can show up on the reading list). BUT these I HAVE TO read.
The first 12 is the original list, the second part (the other 12) are the alternatives. (So I can switch from list 1 to list 2).Next to the titles I have written the language I will read it on. And I will not write standing alone posts for each book I've read. It's only something psychological that the lists are published so I kind of have to read them. 

Szóval az én könyveslistám:
1. Jose Saramago: Der Doppelgänger (DE)  excanged from the spare list to the Murder in the Eiffel Tower, finished in June
2. Ken Kesey: Száll a kakukk fészkére (HUN) finished in Sept
3. Malcolm Lowry: A vulkán alatt (HUN)  exchanged from the spare list to Jonathan Dee: The Privileges, finished in September.
4. Daniel Kehlmann: A világ felmérése (HUN) finished on 12.01.2012
5. Mario Vargas Llosa: Das Fest des Ziegenbocks (DE)
6. Yann Martel: Life of Pi (EN) finished during easter holidays
7. Ildefonso Falcones: Cathedral of the Sea (EN)  finished on 09.08.2012
8. John Harding: Florence and Giles (EN)   finished on 06.01.2012
9. Melinda Nadj Abonji: Die Tauben fliegen auf (DE)  finished on 22.02.2012
10. Szécsi Noémi: Nyughatatlanok (HUN)  finished on 01.07.2012
11. Paul van Loon: Raveleijn (NL)
12. Ian McEwan: Amsterdam (EN)finished sometime in October

1. Paul Auster: Op reis in het scriptorium (NL)
2. Isabell Allende: Im Reich des Goldenen Drachen (DE)
3. Khaled Hosseini: Drachenläufer (DE)
4. Ian McEwan: De cementen tuin (NL)
5. David Mtchell: Szellemírók (HUN)
6. Collins: Die Frau in Weiss (DE) 
7. A.M. Holmes: This book will save your life (EN)
8. Jonathan Dee: The Privileges (EN)  upgraded to list1, finished in Sept
9. Hertha Müller: Der Fuchs war damals schon der Jäger (DE)
10. Michel Houellebecq: Elementarteilchen (DE)
11. Thoreau: Walden (DE)
12. Claude Izner: Murder on the Eiffel Tower (EN)finished in June instead of Der Doppelgaenger

Tehát nem kell sorrendben olvasni, lehet cserélni egyik listából a másikba. Lehet más könyveket is olvasni,  nem kell róluk bejegyzést írni. Én majd azért update-elek egy-két nyaklánc között.

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