Monday, December 26, 2011

Reading list 2012

The Hungarian blogger Lobo announced a "game" and because I don't only make jewellery but also read a lot in my free time, herewith I publish the list of books I am planning to read in 2012 (and some others non-listed). These I already have at home (and of course additional books can show up on the reading list). BUT these I HAVE TO read.
The first 12 is the original list, the second part (the other 12) are the alternatives. (So I can switch from list 1 to list 2).Next to the titles I have written the language I will read it on. And I will not write standing alone posts for each book I've read. It's only something psychological that the lists are published so I kind of have to read them. 

Szóval az én könyveslistám:
1. Jose Saramago: Der Doppelgänger (DE)  excanged from the spare list to the Murder in the Eiffel Tower, finished in June
2. Ken Kesey: Száll a kakukk fészkére (HUN) finished in Sept
3. Malcolm Lowry: A vulkán alatt (HUN)  exchanged from the spare list to Jonathan Dee: The Privileges, finished in September.
4. Daniel Kehlmann: A világ felmérése (HUN) finished on 12.01.2012
5. Mario Vargas Llosa: Das Fest des Ziegenbocks (DE)
6. Yann Martel: Life of Pi (EN) finished during easter holidays
7. Ildefonso Falcones: Cathedral of the Sea (EN)  finished on 09.08.2012
8. John Harding: Florence and Giles (EN)   finished on 06.01.2012
9. Melinda Nadj Abonji: Die Tauben fliegen auf (DE)  finished on 22.02.2012
10. Szécsi Noémi: Nyughatatlanok (HUN)  finished on 01.07.2012
11. Paul van Loon: Raveleijn (NL)
12. Ian McEwan: Amsterdam (EN)finished sometime in October

1. Paul Auster: Op reis in het scriptorium (NL)
2. Isabell Allende: Im Reich des Goldenen Drachen (DE)
3. Khaled Hosseini: Drachenläufer (DE)
4. Ian McEwan: De cementen tuin (NL)
5. David Mtchell: Szellemírók (HUN)
6. Collins: Die Frau in Weiss (DE) 
7. A.M. Holmes: This book will save your life (EN)
8. Jonathan Dee: The Privileges (EN)  upgraded to list1, finished in Sept
9. Hertha Müller: Der Fuchs war damals schon der Jäger (DE)
10. Michel Houellebecq: Elementarteilchen (DE)
11. Thoreau: Walden (DE)
12. Claude Izner: Murder on the Eiffel Tower (EN)finished in June instead of Der Doppelgaenger

Tehát nem kell sorrendben olvasni, lehet cserélni egyik listából a másikba. Lehet más könyveket is olvasni,  nem kell róluk bejegyzést írni. Én majd azért update-elek egy-két nyaklánc között.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Variations on an Original Theme

For the translation of this post please use the tool in the right sidebar.

Diese Kette hab ich gemacht nach der ersten Kurs im Kralenwinkel. Da haben wir gelernt wie man das Ende vom Draht abarbeitet und wie man die Stopperlen verwendet. Ich fand die Idee sehr toll und so hab ich sofort noch 3 davon gemacht.

Die erste ist für mich.

Die zweite ist für meine Mutter

Und die dritte war für Isabell, von dem Neben-Sächlichen Blog. Davon hab ich leider kein Foto gemacht. Es war aber mit rosa, blau und weissen Perlen.

Und die ganz neue Variation davon: eine Armband zu Weichnachten fűr meine Lieblingskollegin. Ich hab noch ein Lederband zum Draht genommen, so entstand die coole Variant. 

Und ja, Musik noch dazu:
I love this song.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Is it Christmas? Yes!

This peace I have made last week in a workshop organized at work. I never thought I would ever make something like that (no green fingers at all), but it became so nice! And it was fun to make of course.
As it contains real evergreen, my Christmas tree is made of plastic. Hey, why not.
Merry Christmas!/Boldog Karácsonyt!/Frohe Weihnachten!/Fijne Kerstdagen!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Omas beads

For the translation of this post please use the Google translator in the right toolbar.

Akkor mostantól rendszeresen, minden teketória nélkül és azonnal felteszem ide a kész ékszereket. (fogadalom felírva, már nem lehet rajta változtatni.)

Augusztusban a nagyszüleim lakásában nyaraltunk, ahol a nagymamám bizsus doboza is ott volt. Első körben csak a borostyán golyókat hoztam el, aztán most következtek az elefántcsont gyöngyök. Sokáig gondolkoztam, mit lehetne velük kezdeni, de nyakláncnak túl sok lett volna az elefánt, így lett belőlük fülbavaló, decens ezüst és fehér golyókkal.

Majdnem lehetetlen volt róluk jó képet csinálni, de így is jó, olyan, mintha kicsit homályos tekintettel néznék az örökölt darabra.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Sunday, October 23, 2011

The same pattern again

After wearing the first bracelet made on the course, I have received some orders. In orders I mean sentences like "Hm, I think I know what would be a good Christmas present for me...". So the first one was made for my Italian friend, the second one is for my mom.

And for the end a song which I can't get out of my head:

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Elastic lollypop

This bracelet is quite cute, the colors remind me of the sweets I bought in Prague. 

I made this piece to my best friend, she loves wearing colors. She also makes beads and jewellery herself, check out her shop
Note for myself: take time and open one.

Cold necklace

Sometimes it's good to wear short necklaces. The weather is getting cold and to the usual black jumpers are the best to wear with colorful accessoires. I wear only cold colors, so this necklace should be for me an everyday peace in the future. We'll see.

The picture in the middle shows my actual living room view. I live here since February this year and so far it is really cool. I honestly want to stop moving around; in the last 7 years I had 9 different addresses.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Let's start with this

Üdvözöllek a blogomon!

Welcome to my blog. Making jewellery is a real flow for me. After 3 hours working on a piece sometimes I just kind of 'wake up' and see how the time flew away. This page is made to show you what I made and eventually give you some inspiration.
This bracelet I have made in June in a jewellery making course in De Kralenwinkel in Breda. This month I am also subscribed to the follow up course there. I am so excited about that! The owner of the shop is Coline, check out her blog as well!