Saturday, February 2, 2013

Freeform Crochet - Spring

Van a facebookon egy freeform crochet nevu csoport, anyahajo vezeti. Az elso tema a tavasz volt. En nemreg talaltam a turkaloban egy temaba vago konyvet, ugyhogy beneveztem. Hat nem egyszeru elrugaszkodni a gondolattol, hogy mindennek szep szimmetrikusnak kell mivel mar horgoltam egy-ket allatot, nem volt azert teljesen idegen
Itt vannak a fotok fazisonkent.

On facebook there is a group for freeform crochet in Hungarian, lead by fellow blogger anyahajo. Our first topic-to-create was the spring. Not so long ago I've found a book in the second-hand store about freeform crocheting, so it was time to join the club. Well, it's not easy to convince yourself that what you make should not be nice and symmetrical and mandala-like...but since I've made some amigurumi toys before it was not completely strange for me. 
And here are the photos in the different phases of the work.

A kovetkezo tema a tenger, azt skippelni gondoltam, de mar regen meg akarok tanulni hullamosan horgolni, ugyhogy folyt. kov.
The next topic will be the sea, what I wanted to skip, but I realized I wanted to learn how to crochet waves already for a long time, so I'll make that too. To be continued.

Book hauls of the day.

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