Iden Miss Wings (Anita) egy uj akcihoz csatlakozott: a rotterdami Sophia Gyerekkorhaz koraszulott osztalyara varnak horgolt kispolipokat. Anita es Isabelle ebben segitenek; a boltban lehet venni horgolos-csomagot, amibol egyedul tudsz horgolni polipot. Ezt visszakuldod az uzletbe, ahol leellenorzik es kimossak oket. A polipok, akik atmennek a teszten, az koraszulott-osztalyra kerulnek, akik kiestek, a tobbi gyerekhez.Szponzoralni is lehet, akkor ok horgolkak a polipot, te csak a fonalat veszed.
Es hogy miert pont polip: a babak az inkubatorban mindig valami fogast keresnek (feltehetoen a koldokzsinor hianya miatt). Es ilyenkor altalaban az inkubator csoveit huzogatjak, ami senkinek se jo. Ugyhogy a sterilizalt, horgolt polipokat a babak melle fektetik es igy a polipok puha lababa tudnak kapaszkodni. Ez megnyugtatja a babakat.
Ugyhogy en is horgoltam kettot, meg szponzoralok.
Az akcio Miss-Wings-altal koordinalt reszenek a blogja itt van.
Az egesz Hollandiara kiterjedo akcio facebook-oldala itt van.
This year Anita from Miss Wings supports a country-wide action of the Sophia Children's Hospital in Rotterdam. In Breda she and Isabelle coordinate the crocheting of small squids, washed them measures them and sends them to the hospital to the premature-baby department.
You can buy the crochet-kits at the shop, make the squids yourself and send them back to the shop for control and desinfectioning. You can also sponsor it by buying the yarn and they will crochet the squid for you. The squids that are approved go to the premature department, the ones that are not approve go to the other part of the hospital.
And why squids: the premature babies in the incubator are trying to grab things in the incubator itself- mostly the wires. We agree on it that it is not good. So they get a steril squid into the incubator and they can grab the legs of the squid - that calms the babies.
So far I have crocheted 2 sqids, they are going back to Breda by post this week.
For the details of the Miss-Wings coordinated part got o their blog here.
For the facebook page of the country-wide action go here.