Miota oceani eghajlaton lakunk, fel kellett vennem olyan szavakat a szokincsembe mint nyari sal, nyari sapka, nyari kabat (!), nyari csizma (!!). Ugyhogy most eppen horgoltam magamnak egy nyari salat. ("...a nyar vidam - itt a nyar - egy nyari szam...- a nyar vidam - egy nyar utan")
A fonal Bucillatol van, a minta a Ravelryrol itt toltheto le. A fonallal horgolni es kotni valami elkepeszto. Alig varom a kovetkezo festest!
Since we live in the oceanic climate (:= rain and max 18 Degrees at summer) I had to take up some new words into my vocabulary like summer scarf, summer hat, summer jacket (!), summer boots (!!). So I have just crocheted for myself a summer scarf.
The yarn is from Bucilla, the pattern is from Ravelry. (link here). Crocheting and knitting with this yarn is such a pleasure! I can't wait till the next batch!
Amikor megrendeltem a Kintting Without Tears cimu konyvet, amirol mindenhol annyit irtak mar, azon gondolkodtam, hogy vajon ki az, aki elsirja magat, ha nem sikerul valami kotese. Ket nappal utana megerteni veltem. A tavaly rendelt szepseges Bucilla lace fonalbol nem akartam kendot (tobbek kozott azert, mert meg nem tudok kendot), inkabb a ravelryrol meg mindenfele ujsagokbol osszeolloztam egy lace polo mintajat, hogy az majd jo lesz. A fonalat nagyon jo kotni, olyan puha es olyan szep esesu lesz meg a sima kotes is. Vegig gyanus volt, hogy ez bizony kicsi lesz es amikor lekotottem, tul szoros lett. Es akkor visszabontani is keptelenseg volt. Es akkor panik. Es akkor fogtam az ollot...szoval levagtam a tetejebol es otthagytam. Hat komolyan, fel oraig olyan szarul ereztem magam miatta...ugyhogy elkezdtem megoldast keresni, Egy 2-es tuvel felszedtel a jo oldalon a szemeket (2 centit hagytam logni, remeljuk, nem bomlik ki) es a szepseges zoknifonalammal befejeztem. Igy lett meg egy csosalam a nyarra. Szoval megmentettem, huh. :)
When I ordered the book Knitting Without Tears from Amazon I was wondering what kind of person would cry when something you knit does not turn out the way you wanted. Only 2 days after placing my order I understood what kind...I wanted to use the beautiful lace yarn from Bucilla I ordered last year. I did not want to make a triangle scarf (because I don't know how to), so from ravely and from books I pre-designed a lace T-shirt. So I started. The yarn is beautiful and knitting with it is soooo good. During knitting I already thought that the yarn will not be enough or the thing I make will turn out too small. And then I finished the back part and the finishing was too tight. And then I could not pull it out anymore. And then I panicked. And then I took the scissors...and yes, I cut the upper part. Honestly, for a half an hour I felt sooo bad. So I started to look for a solution. Icatched some stiches from the right side (leavin a 2 cm edge from the cut one, I hope it will hold) and I finished it with some leftover sock yarn. So I have an other cowl for the summer. So I saved it. Huh. :)