Sunday, June 12, 2016

On The Spice Market

"... ha kulfoldon laksz, utoler a magyarsagod."

Milyen igaz. Ehhez kellett egy hordhato szurkoloi kiegeszito, amit gyorsan (?) meg is kotottem.

Minta: Melanie Berg / mairlynd: On The Spice Market
Final: Wollfaktor / Michaela Utsch

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Level Gergonek

Kedves videki-budapesti baratom,
nagyon orultem, hogy megirtad ezt a blogbejegyzest; megemlitetted a kifejthetetlent; hast das unansprechbaren ausgesprochen. Mint [kulfoldi magyar], ahol a kifejezes onmagaban is tudathasadas, erteni vellek. Klisek helyett hadd mondjam en is el, hogy nalam ez most hol all.
En mar hetedik eve nem elek sem Budapesten, sem Magyarorszagon. Videkikent felig budapestive valni is eleg nagy kinlodas volt, budapestibol kelet-europaikent Nyugat-Europaban elni (remelem, ez meg kovetheto) kuzdo-kellemes kompromisszum.
Bocs, hogy nem hasznalok ekezeteket; magyarul helyesen irni mar regen elfelejtettem, pedig hidd el, probalkoztam. Minden harmadik konyv, amit olvasok, magyarul van. Egeszen iden februarig minden nap tobbszor olvastam magyar online ujsagokat, megvettem a Magyar Helyesiras Szabalyait, szorgalmasan hallgatok Kalakat es olvasom hozza a verseket. Ez viszont mind passziv szokincs, Az aktiv szokincsem jelenleg foleg angol es nemet; neha meg hasznalok holland kifejezeseket, de mar ez is egyre ritkabb. Mondanam, hogy magyarul csak befogadok: produktiv nyelvhasznalat hetente egyszer egy orara figyelheto meg (skype). Mindezzel tokeletesen elboldogulok. A buszkeseg az, ami magyarazkodast hoz ki belolem, de lassan rajovok, hogy nem kell magyarazkodnom.
Nem kell magyarazkodnom azert sem, mert azt mondom, hogy [itthonrol] majd jovo penteken indulok [haza], [otthonrol] pedig utana szombaton megint [haza]. Dehat erted, nem?
Kepzeld el, hogy kulfoldon tanultam meg buszke magyarnak lenni; ne erts felre, semmi extrem, viszont nagyon szivesen meselek arrol, hogy "nalunk" mi a "szokas", mit eszunk husvetkor, miert oltozik az ejfelkor a menyasszony pirosba, hogy fel kell allni a Himnusz alatt es hogy hol kell jegyet venni a kisfoldalattira. Tavaly meg a belga baratnomet el is vittem egy budapesti turara es tenyleg buszken mutogattam neki mindent. Hogy nezze meg, ez is en vagyok, vagyis innen is jovok, de megsem. Kozben pedig rajovok, hogy el kell ezt engedni; a [kulfoldi magyar] nem attol az, hogy a magyar hirekbol naprakesz, a kulfoldi penzbol pedig alberletet es repjegyet fizet maganak, Kis segitseggel megertettem, hogy tenyleg van ertelme kiallni a valasztasaim mellett; legyen az orszag/varos/munkahely/baratok/szabadido/barmi; mert ezek egyaltalan nem veletlenek, hanem tenyleg jol atgondolt dontesek, bar ez sokszor csak evekkel kesobb esik le.
Ugyhogy bocs, ha nem rogton tudom felvenni a beszelgetes fonalat, de megigerem, hogy turelmesen figyelni fogok, ha van, aki elmagyarazza, mi hol tart. Mert erdekel. Es szerintem ez a fontos; hogy a [kulfoldi magyar] allando statusza ne a magyarazkodas legyen, hanem a kolcsonos beszelgetes.
Udvozletemet kuldom, es remelem, hamarosan ujra talalkozunk.

*A bejegyzes lehet, hogy a Grundaktivra kivankozott volna inkabb, mint egy hobbiblogra, de itt is jo helyen van.*

Legyen itt megis egy fonalas kep; a kovetkezo projektem - remelem, keszen lesz az EB-re.

Saturday, April 2, 2016


Sooo, in the past month there have been a lot of crocheting, some knitting and a new skill: spinning:) The latest I still need to practice a lot but I can tell you, it is soo much fun! Especially that the wool is so soft;I think hobbies that feel good and soft in your hands are better for your soul - especially for mine. That´s why I switched from jewellery to knitting. Because the touch is much nicer!

This is me spinning.

We´ve been to the annual knitting weekend with the knitting group - it was again very nice. And the Knit in Public Day is coming - so we will have some organizing to do here:) It is still so much fun.

I shortly touched the hobby "filofaxing", but I have to admit, it is nice, but I would not get into it into a huge extent. Having a nicely decorated agenda is fine, but that´s all.
Instead here is a snapshot of our baby-blanket for a friend, made by 12 ladies from the knitting group. So cute!

Have a nice weekend!

Hungarian (experimental) Music: Napra - Tulipanos

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Merry Christmas!

Pattern from Pinterest. Idea, crocheting, styling and Photo by mereljewels.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

The Knitter´s Pride

Amiota intenziven kotok, kevesebb ekszert keszitek. (kevesebbet = szinte semmit). Ennek foleg az az oka, hogy a fonal - legyen gyapju, akril vagy selyem - sokkal kellemesebb tapintasu, mint a kupos- es metszofogo. Kar, pedig neha nagyon kellene valami uj design (amit ugy kompenzalok, hogy budapesti kezmuves designboltokban verem el a penzt cuki ekszerekre).
Annyira azert megsem nagy baj ez, a kotes-horgolas teljesen felboritotta es egyben fellenditette a szocialis kapcsolati halomat. A ravelryrol majd irok egy uj bejegyzest a Grundra.

Tegnap nemfonalas dobozban keresgeltem kincseket az uj gyurus naptaramhoz es megtalaltam ezeket a behorgolt gyongyoket, amiket valamikor ajandekba kaptam. A szivarvanyszinuek kulon beszerzes voltak valamikor meg amikor kozel volt a gyongyosbolt. Tehat akkor kuposfogo+metszofogo+focimeccs a hatterben.
Kezimunkabloggernek idealis ekszer.

Since I´ve been knitting intensively I have rarely made any jewellery. (rarely= almost none). The main (philosophical) reason behind is that the touch of yarn (wool, acrilic or silk) is much much better than the touch of the jewellery-making tools. Too bad, because sometimes I really want to wear some new designs - which I compensate by buying a lots of cute stuff in the handmade-design shops in Budapest.
Although it is not THAT bad, knitting and crocheting gave a my social life a boost, my network is going rapidly into that direction.I will write an article about this (ravelry) to our community-blog.

Ssso, yesterday I was browsing though my non-yarn boxes for some stuff for my organiser when I found these crocheted beads in my stash. Some I got as a gift, some I bought back then when the bead shop was at walking distance. So I took my metallic tools and watched sweden-denmark (2:1).
It is a great necklace for a craft-blogger with a knitting-tick:)

Hungarian Music: Kiscsillag - Van-e szandek

Monday, June 29, 2015

End of June already!

I haven't written for ages, because the first half of this year (and the second half ol last year) was arount the WEDDING:) We got married in April here in Aachen in a wonderful church with great weather and celebrated in a wonderful place with lovely people. It was worth all the time, stress and planning. This was exactly the way I wanted it to be.

I wanted to have some DIY things for the wedding. This was for sure. So after the day he proposed, I ordered a book 100 Flowers to knit an crochet and I started to design my own wedding bouquet. I made the flowers quite quickly but was thinking of how to build it together for several months. Then I just started to make it and it was ready in 1,5 hrs. I love it.
My friend, Tanteizzy made me the tiny blue butterfly in it (this is the something blue).

I also made a bolero-thing for myself for the church (semi-followed the royal shrug pattern), however I dont have a photo of it were it really shows how cute it became...anyway, it was very handy to have it and it looked great.
My knitting-group buddies surprized me with crocheted flowers - they were standing in front of the church door after the ceremony and held them up so we could walk under them. It was so great! Afterwards I got all the flowers. Some of them are hanging in the flat, the rest will wait for my next birthday to be hung on the wall:)

This is all of them :)

What else happened besides the wedding?
In March we were in a knitting weekend in the Eifel with the Knitting group. It was great! GREAT!

This was the view.

We have an other KAL in the knitting group, featuring the Double heelix socks. Here is the LINK to our KAL. I still need to hutty up with my socks...

AND we had the Knit in Public Day organized in Aachen! We guerilla-knitted a landing in the center of the city :) 

Isn't it beautiful??? :)

I try to get back to a regular blogging pattern. We'll see.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015


Havent blogged for a while...
So here I am, showing the latest ready project from the Knitalong (KAL) from the Aachen Strickt und haekelt ravelry group.
It was sooo much fun to knit the same project with many others!
So this is it, my Metalouse!